Say No to Cancer
World Cancer Day.....
It is an International day marked on 4 February to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.
Cancer doesn't mean the end of life. So never give up . Keep fighting!
Today first hour was taken by Maya miss about Different forms of Naturalism.
- Physical Naturalism
- Mechanical Naturalism
- Biological Naturalism
Next session was handled by Ancy miss about Developmental Tasks, Developmental Hazards.
Last session was optional. Today the valuable thought was given by Sruthi. She conveyed the message that ' The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply '. After that Monitha presented her seminar about the topic Contributions of Great Mathematicians. She taught about Srinivasa Ramanujan. She presented it very well. Then Deepthi miss took class on Curriculum Frame Work.
Today on world Cancer day...I have a small suggestion that ........
Instead of building up Cancer centres, let's take initiative to putdown the number of cases, thereby reducing the number of such centres.